About me
Briefly about me, since 1968.year until today.
In 1968 I joined the amateur radio community. My first former personal call sign was YU4VCW with a Class II license, and after that YU4CW with a Class I license.
I used YU4CW until 1990 when I stopped working due to the very complex situation in the former Yugoslavia.
I now live with my family in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia.
In 2011, an old friend 9A2WJ (SK) initiated my reactivation and renewal of my license with the call sign 9A in a conversation.
By creating the conditions for retirement, after a break of 27 years, in 2017 I renewed my license with a new call sign - 9A9CW.
My colleagues 9A3SM and 9A3PM helped and installed G5RV on my building, and with a Kenwood TS-850S as a gift from my friend 9A2HF (SK), I am active again with the 80-10m band as a radio amateur. After 5 months of working with the Kenwood TS-850S line and testing the 870S, I bought the TS-590SG in Friedrichshafen and the TS-480SAT for portable work from the island of Vir.
After testing the FTDX-2000 with two receivers in 2023. I bought the Yaesu FTDX-101d also in Friedrichshafen. See the story in pictures about tests devices and antennas on the this pages.
Now my setup is:
-1.8-10MHz LW-antenna with a modified MFJ differential T tuner on the roof below antenna (see pictures),
-W3DZZ for 3.5 and 7MHz,
-Hex beam for 14-50MHz + WARC,
-EA antenna 5 el. for 50MHz
-(and EA 5el. for 70MHz in preparation),
All antennas are connected with 1 coaxial cable via the GB-SW5 Antenna Switch Controller (HA7RY), of course now it is an automatic antenna switch, because a friend Neno 9A5N installed an RS232 interface that controls antenna selection via BAND-DATA with the Yaesu-FTDX101D, as well as a new bluetooth interface for remote control of the Yaesu G-450c rotator with a HRD Delux rotator softvares.
2023 I replaced my old Kenwood TL922 with an SPE Expert 1.3K-FA and now enjoy the Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) software along with the new Hybrid SDRs (Narrow Band SDR & Direct Sampling SDR).
As another hobby we like to travel. We like to visit foreign countries, get to know cultural and historical sights and, of course, take a photos. You can see some of them in our small photo album about the cities we traveled through and enjoyed our travels.
In short from-to
1971 is my first call sign YU4VCW and 1974 when I got my second licence "A" category and started to use my new call sign YU4CW to end 1990.
Total number of entities completed and confirmed.
Confirmed 197 since 200 Calls signs for a WAZ 5-B DXCC award
Confirmed WPX different Call singn
Confirmed The WAS (All States USA)
I'm participated in 73. different HAM contest and 21. for the reward.
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